What are the vulnerabilities of VoIP and what are the implications of VoIP technologies on emergency call handling?

Click on the image to read our new White Paper entitled "VoIP Resiliency, Security and Availability" answers these questions and more...

VegaStream makes and distributes seamless VoIP Gateways for voice traffic between your telephone equipment, Voice over IP networks and PSTN. VegaStream's VoIP Gateways are certified interoperable with major communications, PBX manufacturers and internet telephony providers, worldwide. We support SIP and H.323 VoIP over analogue and digital lines, including all ISDNs.     


Learn about our range of VoIP Gateways, where they fit and how you can benefit from Internet Telephony
Enterprise and Service Provider customers can exploit our range of VoIP Gateways in many ways. Click here to find out how
See VegaStream at ITExpo East 2008!
Find out about the new VegaStream Europa 50 VoIP Gateway
What can VoIP to for your business? Find out how VoIP Gateways can help you! What can VoIP do for my Business?
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