Award Winning
VegaStream named as one of Europe's Top 100 Private Tech Companies
Product News
Vega 50 Europa now available
US Navy
deploys world's first VoIP Gateway Board for VME systems
Customer Solutions


Enterprise Customers

VegaStream gateways enable enterprises to reduce PSTN call charges and consolidate voice and data facilities over the internet or via their existing optimised IP Network infrastructure (more...)


Service Provider Customers

Whether connecting customer's voice equipment or the PSTN to service provider IP networks, VegaStream gateways allows the service provider to offer voice calling as part of its overall connectivity service package (more...)

Customer Applications and Case Studies

Information about VegaStream customers and applications for VegaStream gateways in the form of application notes and case studies (more...)


How can VoIP help your business?

The basic proposition for VoIP is simple, and VegaStream products provide a simple, low risk way for enterprises to benefit from it.



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